Author | : Eşref Keydanî |
Publisher | : Mezopotamya Vakfı |
Category | : Folklora Me Issue 12 |
Year - Issue | : 2022-12 |
Page | : 80 |
ISSN | : 2667-6443 |
Folklora Me Issue 12
The June, July and August issue of the "Folklora Me" journal is out. In this issue of the journal, there are many studies on Kurdish folklore. There are many articles on recipes, folklore puzzles, Kurdish folklore and oral studies selected from the regionas, and folkloric objects.
The compilers and editors of the journal present many melodies, lullabies, anecdotes, riddles, fairy tales, couplets, and idioms to the journal's readers in this issue. Some of the works in this issue are as follows: "Some Idioms from Ergani-3", "A Few Riddles from Pain", "Two Jokes from Lice", "Two Folk Songs from the Berti Tribe", "Teo Couplets from Hakkari", "The Thief and Sultan", "Lullaby", and "The Adventure of Pasha's Daughter".
In addition, the journal features two different version of a story/riddle such as "The Old Woman and the Rooster / The Rooster and The Old Woman" compiled from different regions. Apart from these, it is possible to find the tales compiled by names such as Kurdjan Sori, Elif Gunduz, Asmin Uyanik, and Amine Aktaş in the 12th issue. Ahmet Seyari also gives information about the definition of the concept of "folklore" and the studies on Kurdish folklore in his article titled "Folklor û Destpêka Xebatên Folklora Kurdî" (Introduction to Folklore and Kurdish Folklore Studies). The folklore puzzle prepared by Oktay Altun is another work in this issue.
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